Blogging tips

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

Magic card

Buenos días! Hoy el día no acaba de despertar, a penas se intuye el sol, parece desperezarse pidiendo cinco minutitos más. 

Miro a mi alrededor y veo gente apresurada, marcando un rítmo casi militar. Algunos estiran de la mano a sus hijos intentando que unas piernecitas 4 veces más cortas consigan su misma velocidad. Hay gente enganchada a sus teléfonos móviles desde primera hora, una chica cargada con una mochila más grande que todo su cuerpo ríe nerviosa al teléfono, me la imagino hablando con alguien a quien va  a ver en clase en unos minutos y me da pena. Ahora sonrío al comprobar que cambian las tornas en la escena del adulto y el niño, ahora es un niño de unos 7 años quien estira enérgicamente la mano de un abuelo que ni con 3 piernas logra conseguir el rítmo que su nieto, imagino, le instiga a llevar. 

Parece que el sol ha escuchado mi ruego y lucha contra esa nube que no le deja brillar. Aparece, desaparece... en un duelo, en un baile que no deja de fascinarme. Qué pequeños somos... qué poco pensamos en las maravillas que nos rodean. Siempre he sido una persona sensible, siempre. Miro a mi alrededor e intento comprender, intento aprender con cada nuevo día. Tomo decisiones, avanzo, no me paro, aunque a veces me dejaría caer agotada, a veces gritaría "Que se pare el mundo, que yo me bajo!" como en esa viñeta de Mafalda, pero a quién no le pasa lo mismo? Y sin embargo la vida no te espera, así que no puedes parar. 

Tengo mucha suerte, tengo una familia maravillosa y unos amigos estupendos. No me cansaré de decirlo. Y tengo a Beni. Cuando digo que no nos peleamos, es verdad. No lo hacemos. Si hemos discutido alguna vez ha sido por cosas lógicas, me refiero a broncas, enfados de los de gritarse, NUNCA. Nos respetamos y nos admiramos mutuamente. Nos apoyamos, y no nos echamos en cara nada. Nos comprendemos y nos aceptamos. Eso no es nuevo para mi. Yo he vivido eso mismo en mi casa, con mis padres. NUNCA se ha han gritado, NUNCA se han faltado al respeto, NUNCA. Pensaba que era lo normal, para mí, era lo normal. Pero me he dado cuenta que es EXCEPCIONAL. Y por eso hoy quería darle una pequeña tarjeta a Beni, es un vale para ir a ver una exposición que nos va a encantar seguro! y también es una manera de decirle que lo nuestro es Mágico. 

Hi! Esther here looking at the sun fighting to shine. Appears, disappears ... in a duel, in a dance that never ceases to fascinate me. How small we are ... we don't think of the wonders that surround us. I look around and try to understand, try to learn with each new day. I make decisions, I advance, I do not stop, although sometimes I would drop exhausted "Let the world stop, that I get off!" as Mafalda say in this vignett;, but who does not happen the same? Life is not waiting for you, so you can't stop.

I'm lucky, I have a wonderful family and great friends. I never tire of saying it. And Beni. When I say that we don't fight, it's true. We don't. If we have discussed something it ever been logical things, I mean fights, shouting, being anger, NEVER. We respect and we admire each other. We rely. We understand and accept us. That's not new to me. I lived the same in my home, with my parents. NEVER has been shouted, NEVER have been disrespected, NEVER. I thought it was normal, for me it was normal. But I have realized that it is EXCEPTIONAL. And so today I wanted to give a small card to Beni, is a cardgift to go see an exhibition that we will love it for sure! and is also a way of saying that ours is Magic.

Thank you so much to stopping by, and remember you CAN be Exceptional!!  Have a day full of Light!!

Que tengáis un día lleno de Luz!


Lawn Fawn stamps and dies
DCWV paper

8 comentarios:

  1. Oh my goodness so so cute! That background is fantastic! What a magical card:)

  2. Your card is perfect, love it! And my relationship is a lot like yours. My boyfriend and I never right either... we have disagreements, but I would never classify them as "fights." I can't imagine shouting or yelling at anyone, especially someone you're supposed to love.

    I'm sure Beni will love your card and I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥

  3. What a lovely card and what a wonderful relationship you have. I too was raised in a family with no shouting, no disrespect and much, much love. God blessed me with a husband who feels the same and we have had 34 wonderful years together and I hope what many more.
    I'm sure Beni will love and treasure your sweet card!

    1. I love listen that your relationship is like my parents and I. 34 wonderful years?! yeeeeeah! Congratulations! Hugs!!

  4. Your words are so inspirational as your card, Esther. My husband and I have our disagreements and we always resolved them by talking. When we start to get angry, we give each other space so that when things are calm, we can talk and find solutions to our disagreements. I find this is the best practice for my husband and I. Your Beni will appreciate the card gift you made for him and I'm sure you both will have fun at this exhibition. Have a great day!

    1. OOOOH! Thank you Stamping Smiles Desingns I love all your comments and I promise to visit your blog soon.
